Brief screen

- Given to adults ages 18 and older.
- One alcohol question and one drug question. Positive responses warrant further screening.
- The alcohol question has been modified, with permission from the author, to be gender inclusive.
- Includes the PHQ-2 screening tool for depression.
- Note: not reimbursable using CPT 96160.
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- Given to adults ages 18 and older when positive on the alcohol question on the Brief screen.
- 10 questions assess quantity of alcohol use and related consequences.
- Includes extra question about alcohol treatment.
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- Given to adults ages 18 and older when positive on the drug question on the Brief screen.
- 10 questions identify consequences related to recreational drug use.
- Includes 4 extra questions about drug type, frequency, injection, and treatment.

- Given to adolescent patients ages 12-17.
- 4-10 questions identify consequences related to substance use.
- Includes the PHQ-9 Modified for Teens screening tool for adolescent depression on the second page.
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- Given to adolescent patients ages 12-17.
- 4-10 questions measure frequency of substance use (includes supplemental CRAFFT questions).
- Includes the PHQ-9 Modified for Teens screening tool for adolescent depression on the second page.
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- Administered by interview with pregnant or postpartum patients age 18 and older
- Eight questions screen for use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, as well as depression and intimate partner violence.
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- Administered by interview with adult patients age 18 and older
- 10-63 questions assess severity of substance use.
- This version addresses drug use only and includes language that defines misuse of prescription drugs.
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Symptom checklist

- Given to patients to assess level of alcohol or substance use disorder
- 11 questions
- Psychometrically validated
- Note: does not qualify towards the Oregon SBIRT CCO incentive measure
- More information on the alcohol checklist
- More information on the drug use checklist
Other screening forms:

- Given to patients age 12 or older to screen or diagnose depression disorder, measure the severity of symptoms, and measure a patient’s response to treatment.
- 10 questions
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- Given to patients age 12 or older to screen or diagnose general anxiety disorder, and measure the severity of symptoms
- 7 questions
- More information